Pinwheel is a children's television show that aired on the Nickelodeon cable network from 1977 to 1990. The show originally aired on channel C-3 of Warner Cable's interactive system QUBE in Columbus, Ohio, and it began airing on Nickelodeon when it first launched in April 1979.
The show was similar to Sesame Street with live action skits mixed with animated shorts. Action scenes took place in and around a large Victorian-style house called Pinwheel House with a pinwheel on one of the peaks. Live actors would interact with puppets, discussing various concepts familiar to children's programming like sharing and being considerate, basic learning skills like colors, numbers and letters. All of the characters lived and worked in the various areas in and around the house.
There were a total of 260 one-hour Pinwheel episodes recorded from 1977 to 1982. However, Pinwheel was typically broadcast in 3 to 5 hour long blocks with multiple one-hour episodes shown back-to-back. It remains the longest-running Nickelodeon show in episodes and hours on air, and was the longest-running in years until You Can't Do That on Television broke the record. It is now #6, behind All That, You Can't Do That on Television, Nick News, Rugrats and SpongeBob SquarePants.
One of the most memorable things about Pinwheel was that it featured a wide variety of both regularly animated and stop-motion animation short films or cartoons from many different countries, most of which were only about five minutes long.
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