Dec 14, 2013


With great pleasure I present Lost In Linear Valley. my first release for Undervolt and Co.

Lost in Linear Valley was intended to simply be a series of experiments using the combination of the Fairlight CVI and LZX Video synthesizer. However, while I set out to explore the fusion of thetools, I found myself falling into a new dimension where I no longer thought about the electronics in front of me but instead found a clear pathway to expression. I hope you enjoy it!

Also be sure to check out the rest of It includes incredible works from video artists from around the world and includes Cristopher Cichocki, Jimmy Joe Roche, Spectral Net (Birch Cooper, Brenna Murphy,Sabrina Ratté , Roger Tellier-Craig ), Johnny Woods, & Yoshi Sodeoka.

Many thanks to founder Yoshi Sodeoka and director Johnny Woods.