Not only is Toni Basil the most fluid dancer of the new wave movement, she's also a filmmaker, directing most of her own videos including the outrageously famous "Mickey!" and the Talking Heads "One in a Lifetime" IDOLIZE!! I'm dying to see her late 60's 8mm and 16mm films. If anyone has a way, please contact me. ...and Toni, if you're out there, thanks for being such an inspiring, powerful, and avant woman. We need more of you!
This kid understands it more than you would expect. At least he knows that when you go through solid matter you contact aliens. He compares Buckaroo to Chuck Norris. This kid rules and the Dad is so proud, I don't blame him.
One of the most beautiful human creations is the Voyager Golden Record. I recently listened to an interview with Ann Druyan, noted author and wife of Carl Sagan, about it's creation. It is easily the most romantic story I've ever heard.