TRON LEGACY blows harder than The Phantom Menace. Commercial directors should not be allowed to touch classic films. At least George Lucas ruined his own mythos. Joseph Kosinski would have been better off doing a fashion spread based on TRON. What disappointed me most, wasn't the fact that they ditched the character TRON altogether-it was that the new lightcycles drive like cars from the Fast and Furious. Meaning they no longer turn on 90degree angle but instead glide and spin out with a tire screech and halt for a product placement shot. Why? This is Tron. We're inside a program after all. Please don't let these folks near Logan's Run.
Artist and filmmaker Lynn Hershman Leeson has been internationally acclaimed for her pioneering use of new technologies. Her work often deals with identity in a time of consumerism, privacy in an era of surveillance, interfacing of humans and machines, and the relationship between real and virtual worlds.
I love this video so much that I have been keeping it a secret, hoping nobody else would discover it. Today I realized that was ridiculous and that everyone NEEDS to see the pioneering efforts of MIT students who were developing new ways of communicating with computers through gesture, voice, and collaboration.
As passionate as I am about analog effects, model making, and puppetry, I admit there have been occasions where I have exclaimed "Tron (1982) is the most beautiful movie ever made"!
After viewing Computer Realities: The making of Tron, I can't help but feel the anxiety of the special effects people of that time. To them, here comes The CRAY 1 Supercomputer, parallel with the plot of TRON,here comes MASTER CONTROL. Their fears are right on. 28 years later, computer graphics have not only taken over the movie industry, their impact on viewers have rendered the work of these special effects pioneers as "cheesy" or worse yet "campy".
Simultaneously, I find the CRAY 1 Supercomputer an amazing tool and can understand the excitement and the inspiration of the programmers working with it.
So when does technology go too far? How do we go from TRON to BEOWOLF (2007)? Is TRON the exception because it's self aware,as it is a movie about computing itself?
That said, I'm looking forward to TRON LEGACY, even though they ditched the old look. I trust Steven Lisberger, more than let's say, George Lucas. We shall see!
The Tripods is based on a series of novels by John Christopher and was jointly produced by the BBC and the Seven Network in Australia. In a post-apocalyptic future, humanity have been conquered and enslaved by unseen alien entities who travel about in gigantic three-legged walking machines referred to as "the tripods". Human society is largely pastoral, with few habitations larger than villages, and what little industry exists is conducted under the watchful presence of the tripods whom are believed to be their overlords.
From the age of 14 humans are required to obtain implants called "caps", which suppress curiosity and creativity and leave the recipient placid and docile, incapable of dissent. Two boys from a small English village decide to escape before they are capped and find themselves on an adventure through France, which winds up being more alien to them than the Tripods themselves.
Soon into their journey, they hook up with a skinny inventor whiz kid named, Beanpole, who has a terribly fake french accent, but that could also be the reason why his character is so lovable. What's also unintentionally entertaining is how many times they come up with reasons to speak English rather than French while in France.
I watched all 13 episodes in a row today. Call me crazy, but I highly recommend it for any lover of a good teleplay. A rainy or snowy day with a cup of tea would be the ideal conditions for a day with The Tripods.
*The music soundtrack by Ken Freeman is wiiiiicked!
Esther Pearl Watson took time out from painting pink UFOs to paint Tetra and The Multinauts. It's the best thing ever! It looks as though the Multinauts teleported to Garland, Texas and in the the teleportation process they were transformed into Esther characters. OR OR OR....The Multinauts have teleported into a thrift store painting. Either way you look at it, it's fantastic and I will NEVER sell it!
Ah man! Really? You left us? This sucks! Now what are we going to do? I almost wore my underwear on the outside of my pants today in your honor. You will always be new age steppin' in my heart. I love you.
I will be at APE this weekend, selling little photo packs of original prints plus The Multinauts DVD and Comic Book. Come see me at the Fun Chicken Booth #339 where I will be camped out with my friends Esther Pearl Watson and Mark Todd. What's even more exciting about going to APE this year, is that Lynda Barry will be speaking on the Art of Storytelling. (I wont be missing that panel!) AND AND AND Daniel Clowes (Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron & Ghostworld) will also be there conducting a panel with Dan Nadel, one of the foremost comics scholars working today, on the history of comics.
APE is held at: The Concourse • 635 8th Street • San Francisco, CA 94103
The Multinauts Episode Two Mirrorman may look like a beautiful BBC science fiction program but look deeper into the ideas it's presenting. On one level it's a futuristic adventure. On another it explores the many facets of alternate realities including Virtual Reality, Reality Television, the lives of role playing game characters, corporate reality, and realms within a power crystal. This journey into the phantasmagoric guest stars Geneva Jacuzzi as Terracotta, an evil entity that feeds on the menergy of living beings and also includes a cameo by Francois Sagat.
Watch Episode One "Flashback" in it's entirety. If you enjoy it, please support the production of the show by visiting the giftshop. I made this thing with my very last cent. All proceeds go to making more cult television!
Douglas Trumbull, a true pioneer in the field of Special Effects, known for films like 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979), and Blade Runner (1982). Made his biggest effort to push the theater experience with the Universal Studios "Back to The Future" Ride. This was recently removed and replaced by The Simpson's ride, which is actually the most post-modern ride in history. More on that at a later date perhaps. Today lets pretend we're in a Delorean with hydraulics and praise Douglas Trumbell for his efforts in pushing the limits, especially when technology wasn't in sync with his vision.